World Health Organization Declares Processed Meats Cause Cancer

By October 26, 2015 October 27th, 2015 Diet, Health, Responsibility

The World Health Organization (WHO), just came out with a damning report on cancer causing effects of processed meats. The WHO classified processed meats in the same category as plutonium and alcohol, as there is no doubt that these meats cause cancer.

“less than two slices of bacon – increased the chance of developing colorectal cancer by 18%.”

Interestingly enough, many ‘health’ experts are recommending moderation. Saying, “This decision doesn’t mean you need to stop eating any red and processed meat, but if you eat lots of it you may want to think about cutting down. Eating a bacon bap every once in a while isn’t going to do much harm – having a healthy diet is all about moderation.”

Having a healthy diet is about eliminating the harmful, health destroying foods and replacing them with delicious, health supporting foods. Why would we want to moderately harm ourselves on a daily basis? How can that benefit our health? Would a bit of moderate child abuse be tolerable to us? How about spousal abuse? The answer to these questions is obvious to us. Then why does mainstream society encourage self-abuse in moderate amounts? Because is makes cents. Not because it makes sense.

Not surprisingly, the dairy and meat industry supported, Meat Advisory Panel said “avoiding red meat in the diet is not a protective strategy against cancer” and diverted the focus to be the moderation of alcohol, smoking and body weight. It’s in their best interest to have you continue to buy these cancerous meats for you and your family, but is it in your best interest?

I feel so amazing, have consistently high levels of health and fitness, and relish my meals, that living a plant-based life is a simple decision for me. What will you decide for you? Moderate levels of average health and energy? Or abundant levels of health and vitality to enjoy life with the people you love?