You are reading this because you are interested in experiencing greater levels of energy. You also might be like me, and be a parent. If that is the case, then you surely want more energy. When taking on the role of being responsible for the life of a little one, you really can’t have too much energy or too much health.
Over the last few years I’ve trained with Olympic level athletes and run ultra marathon distances, but still nothing is as grueling or as consistently unpredictably exhausting as parenting.
Before I knew what I know now, I would be comfortable with excuses for not being trim and fit. I thought it was normal and OK to get slower mentally and physically as I got older. That feeling ‘run down’ was just part of being a parent. Well, I can confidently cry out, “BS!” to most reasons people give as to why parents can’t be just as fit, happy, socially active, and creatively productive as those without children.
Alright, so we have to make adjustments and perhaps tweak our expectations.
There are a ton of legitimate reasons why we may not start and run a billion dollar company, the very same year we give birth, BUT there are no legitimate reasons for us not experience life as a parent with a lean, healthy body, effortless joy and a deep reserve of energy.
In fact, there are a TON of good reasons why we MUST learn the skills of energy creation and energy management. Our health and energy level depend on our understanding and application of healthful practices.
Who do your children depend on for their example of how to live healthfully?
We set the example as parents and we can only set the example that we know and live.
The purpose of High Energy Parenting is to save you the time, money, and effort involved in collecting the information, going to the seminars, attending the internships, sorting through the truths and the lies, and testing out the theories, methods and practices. I’ve already done all the heavy lifting and now I’m ready to give you the knowledge and methods that have served me and my family so well.
So stop making excuses and come get the solutions.
These videos introduce the High Energy Parenting approach…

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~ Kevin Cosmo