Podcast: Download Podcast Breakdown: 00:00 Introduction 06:19 Preconception Care 08:40 Fit Enough For Fecundity 12:18 Fasting Before Baby 14:21 Pregnancy Care 16:37 True Prenatal Care 17:34 Importance of Food Combining 19:40 Items To Avoid While Pregnant 21:18 Failure of the FDA 22:34 Caffeine 24:05 Salt & Processed Foods 26:30 Unconventional Advice 29:11 Obesity & Weight…

On September 6th, at 6am, Meagan went into labor and shortly after noon baby Tajilo was born. The birth was a splendid success and Taj has been a pure bundle of joy since. Rather than me trying to eloquently capture such a precious moment, we’d like to invite you to watch along as baby Taj…

Here’s a collection of quotes that we can use to inspire ourselves to be better parents. I hope that you find these quotes inspiring and that they continually serve you well on your parenting journey. 1.) “Children don’t listen to us. They watch us.” ~Kevin Cosmo Occasionally, we may drop a pearl of wisdom from…

Becoming a parent is a special blessing, but the nuances of caring for an infant can be challenging, especially for first time parents. My partner and I sure ran into our fair number of hurdles, and in doing so have developed ways of working together that allow the needs of baby, mama, and papa to…