Location: Oahu, Hawaii
Current Craft/Gig/Work: Full-time Mother, Writer, Comedian
Number of Children: 3
One word that best describes how you live: Liberated
Current Mobile Device: Galaxy S4
Current Computer: Google Chrome Laptop
What is the first thing you do or think of when you wake up in the morning?
Walk us through your first hour of the day…
If it is a school day, I drink water, hopefully almost always eliminate some toxins from the day before, check emails and texts, scan through social media for updates from loved ones. Get workout clothes on, grab a fruit, bike ride or drive kid to school, choose what workout I am in the mood for and go at it..run, swim, stand up paddling, bike, free weights, hike or all of the above gets me going! If there is no school, same thing, just no dropping kid off at school. My kids know I need to workout to be happy, so they don’t get in my way before then…lol, I need a sweat fest daily or else.
What’s your ‘place of work’ set up look like?
What’s your favorite way to stay organized?
If you were low energy before, what was the biggest change you made to have more energy?
Changed my diet from meat and dairy to fruit based and added more workouts in the sun.

Victoria at a fruit luck in Hawaii.
What’s your best energy-saving shortcut or life hack?
What is your favorite go-to meal?
How do you stay fit?
I don’t think exercise is a chore, as I love and can’t wait to play outdoors. Whether it’s swimming, running, stand up paddling, hiking, biking and just going for a walk listening to a good book or great music!

Both Victoria and her husband, Michael, are phenomenal long distance runners and athletes.
What is your night time/sleep routine?
What are you currently reading? Or watching?
What apps or software can you not live without?
What is something that you happen to excel at, when it comes to parenting?
The ability to run long distances and swim long distances without stopping and still be a kick ass mom!
What is the best life advice you have ever received about being a parent?
Do one thing and do it well, it’s not a race.
Fill in the blank: I’d love to see __________ answer these same questions.
Kate Pallardy, Michael Arnstein
Is there anything else you’d like to add that might be interesting for readers and fans?
If you can give yourself a gift, let it be the gift of ultra running training, it was the greatest way to endure pain in every other aspect of my life. I was able to tolerate pain and deal with problems that came my way better than I ever did before training for an ultra marathon. Also to eat a diet that does not tax your body so you have way more energy than you could imagine. Like fruits and veggies and keeping fat low.
The How I Live series asks athletes, heroes, experts, and flat-out high energy parents to share their diets, shortcuts, workspaces, routines, and more. Every week we’ll feature a new parent and the recipes, habits, tips, and insights that keep them thriving. Know someone that you want to see featured, or questions you think we should ask? Let us know.
Thanks for letting me share and giving me the opportunity to inspire others~!
I love to share good information and a good laugh~ Any chance I get to do that is a reward for myself as well as someone who may need it. Knowledge and experience go a long way and I believe are gifts that keep on giving, so why keep it to ourselves. When we die, we don’t want what we have learned to die with us. It’s so important to share and help even one person be better than they think they could be. I am always happy to do that. This is why I make videos and snap chat my day. Find me on you tube under the name Politically Incorrect and fruits4life on instagram and snap chat. Hopefully, we could all meet up at an event I hold true to my heart, which is called The Woodstock Fruit festival which was founded by my husband who is devoted to changing the world one fruit at a time!
Love, Victoria
Be the change you want to see in this world. ~ Ghandi