It’s commonly proclaimed that as parents our uniting pledge is this… We all want our children to be happy. When the truth is… WE ALL WANT TO BE HAPPY. It’s far too common for parents to believe our sole goal is to ensure that our children have happy lives. What an impossible to task to…
“Everything in Moderation” It is the motto of the underachiever, the credo of the consistent consumer, the epitome of mediocrity, AND it is violent, unhealthy, and downright dangerous. One method I use to ensure I am not being too gullible when it comes to new information or ideas, is to follow the line of logic…
In every family, there is someone who is courageous enough to break the mold and dare to stretch out for a new foothold. Even if your family doesn’t fully see the same truth that you see, tread not from your path. Be the beacon of light. If what you have found works well enough, people…
Many dream of changing the world. Tap them on the shoulder and wake them up. The question never should have been and never was, “Can I change the world?” The question IS “How am I changing the world?” Our very existence here means that we are interacting with this world, with the Earth, with life….
Coal. That’s what you’re getting for Christmas this year. Santa saw you steal that cookie. The referee saw that dirty foul you committed. Red card for you. Get off the field. Whether it’s an omniscient big guy in the sky, such as Santa or God, or if you prefer the image of an all seeing…