Kids: Your Excuse Or Your Reason?

By December 7, 2014 March 9th, 2015 Family, Inspiration & Purpose, Responsibility

I have a kid now.

Is this your excuse or your motivation?

Being a parent means that we have human beings learning directly from our lives, inheriting our models for living. Being a parent also means that we have less time for ourselves. Therefore, if we want to change our experience of life or achieve something we have yet to achieve, we need to be efficient in our use of time.

If we have enough good reasons, we will do what we need to do, to get what we want.

If we have enough good excuses, we get to do anything we want, but we don’t get what we want.

Go for your dreams. Build the life you want to live. Start that career. Pick up the guitar and practice. Spark the social change you want to see. Put yourself through the classes you need. Continue to grow and evolve.

“Don’t fear death. Fear a dead life.”

— Kevin Cosmo

Since having children, is your list of excuses longer or is your list of motivating reasons still in charge of your life and what you deem possible for yourself?

Take some time today and tilt the odds in your favor. Come up with 5 reasons you MUST be healthier, in light of the fact that you are a parent, provider, partner, and role model.

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  • Aide says:

    I agree with alot of the things you said eslileacpy the borrowing & not returning thing. I also can’t stand when someone tells me a time to be ready or that they want to meet up-and they are totally late. Don’t say it, if you don’t mean it!!! so DISRESPECTFUL.I just want to add that I am new to following people on youtube and I think that you are so pretty (& not just for a darkskinned person) and I love how passionate you are about the stuff you believe in.

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