Our Natural Birthright: Superb Health

By May 8, 2020 May 26th, 2020 Health, Medicine, Video

Health is the birthright of all living things in their natural environment. It is guaranteed by the laws of Nature while ever those laws are respected.

The foundation of natural health is simple and unshakeable, and can be proven in a very short space of time. The concept is:

1. Superb health is the normal state of all living things and will always be maintained in the absence of unnatural influences.

2. In good health, the defensive system of the body is capable of easily repelling and destroying any potentially harmful microorganism (germ or virus) that may be encountered.

3. Disease of any kind (infectious or metabolic) can only happen if a person is subjected to adverse influences such as malnutrition, stress, etc, to the extent of exceeding the body’s capacity to cope.

4. Providing the vital organs retain some function, then whatever the state of illness or injury, once the body is freed of the adverse influences responsible, it will immediately, without any outside help, commence to restore itself. And if at the same time optimum conditions of nutrition, sunshine, fresh air and rest are provided, the restoration will proceed at an even faster rate.

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