How to Transition to Vegan Diet without Losing Muscle or Binging on Carbs

By August 3, 2018 Diet, Video, Weight Loss

Josie asked the question below, about switching to a vegan, plant-based lifestyle, without losing muscle or binging on carbohydrates. My answer in short is this; carbs are our friends. Carbohydrate foods are lower in fat, higher in fiber, water, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, etc. Carbohydrate foods are fruits, potatoes, rice, corn, squash.

Many vegans fail to stay on a healthy path, when they allow too many processed foods to make up their diet. Basing a plant-based diet on whole foods means that we will favor high carbohydrate foods. A low fat diet allows for optimal oxygen and sugar metabolism, best fueling workouts. As well, a vegan diet supplies ample, highly usable protein to allow for muscle development.

“Hi! I just wanted to ask you, if you have the time, a couple questions about being vegan and eating a raw fruits and veg diet.

I am 27, female, workout quite a bit, and there has always been a huge push on protein intake, increasing protein will keep you satiated, build my muscle and lean out.

That being said, I have always incorporated meat in my diet because I have just not been sold on the protein powder and wasn’t really sure how to get a sufficient amount otherwise. However, I would like to transition to a plant based lifestyle, but I guess my main concern is how I can sufficiently lean out my body mass while not consuming an abundance of carbs (I know I should do more research on it, and with a well laid out approach can not fall back to eating a plethora of starches and what not… ) Thank you. “

– Josie Zorn

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